So I guess this is where I start my novel.
As a crappy and struggling writer, I've always failed to write anything more than five or six pages - at most. The longest thing I've written to date is probably "A Room Without Windows" (which is a very impromptu title), and that was maybe 22 pages. Double spaced. Which amounts to maybe 10. The word count on that sucker was maybe 5000. In attempt at self-fullfillment and gratification, and since I struggle so much with writing, I...
Crap, Southpark is on. I can't concentrate with words like "penis" and "vagina" and "nerve endings" flying in the air. Okay, it's done. Now then.
...and since I struggle so much with writing, I thought it'd be a good idea to participate in something that'll challenge me and push me into actually _doing_ something big and grand. So I'm signing up with the National Novel Writer's Month. Hopefully, I can meet the November 5th deadline with the 50,000 word count. Which means if I write for 20 days, I have to write 2500 words a day. Which is In. Freaking. Sane. But I need something like this in my life, and there's no plan like the present, and no excuse except a competition where you win absolutely nothing.
November 1st and an attempt at 50,000 words, here I come.